Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!!

The Elkton-LB Elks  wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving start to the Holiday Season!  


Monday, November 25, 2013


I will be sending the apparel order in tomorrow, so if you are interested in ordering something, please get it to me by tomorrow. Order will be sent after school tomorrow.

Best of luck to the girls and their coaches as they have their first practice of the season today!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Apparel Update

The apparel form is going to be changed slightly.  You will be able to select the logo you want on your item. I will be updating the order form as soon as possible so check back on this blog or school website for the updated form.  Thanks!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Elk Basketball Apparel

Apparel Forms are ready.  If you are interested in ordering something, please get a form (posted on the right of the blog), on the Elkton School Homepage, or talk to an Elk Basketball Player.  Orders with payment need to be turned in by November 25th to insure they are delivered prior to our first game.  Thank you for your support of Elk Hoops!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Getting Closer

The start of basketball season is creeping closer!  December 2nd will be the first practice for 9-12 boys.  I am currently working on the practice schedule through the month of December and will get that out when the dates and times can all be cleared.

Apparel forms are being made and will be ready to be sent home here shortly.  If you are interested in ordering any Elk Basketball gear, let me or a high school player know.

Thank you for your support!


Thursday, November 7, 2013


We will have a boys basketball meeting on Friday after school in Coach Erickson's room.  This will be a very brief meeting.  Items to cover include open gym schedule, remind 101 sign up, shoes, and apparel forms.  

Monday, November 4, 2013


Welcome to the blog for Elkton High School Basketball.  This blog will contain information, updates, and news for Elkton-Lake Benton Elk Basktball.

First practice will be on December 2nd.

Shoe orders are hanging on my door at school or can be found on the Elkton School Website.  Turn those in at any time to get your shoes ordered.  Clothing and apparel order forms will be ready to go shortly.

As always, thank you for your support of ELK Basketball!