Friday, December 13, 2013


Tonight is opening night for the ELKS.  We have had a two good weeks of practice.  The kids are chomping at the bit to get on the floor against someone other than their teammates.  This should be an exciting year and we are looking forward to improving each and every day.  The work ethic this group displays will do wonders for them and allow us to be successful and continue to grow and get better throughout the season.

I had a meeting the other day with Bob Young (former USF football coach) now affiliated with the FCA and TJ Carlson (FCA Leader @ SDSU).  They had some videos and talked about coaching and the three dimensions to coaching.  I again am going to borrow a line from TJ and what he has talked with the Jacks about this year and that is to PLAY LOVED and COACH LOVED.  Not to worry about messing up or missing a shot or calling the wrong play, but rather knowing that there is a higher purpose than the final score.  It is our goal to lay it on the line for each other and do the very best that we are capable of and when the buzzer sounds, know that we have given it everything we had and that "thy will be done".



Believe in Blue

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